Sunday, November 24, 2019

Smoke after explosion Essay Example

Smoke after explosion Essay Example Smoke after explosion Essay Smoke after explosion Essay Smoke after explosion disappears. People are terrified by the gangs in guns. Suddenly, salience covers the whole scene. A man with a cape on his back appears binding those gangs. This is commonly seen on television on our favorite cartoon show or a television series that tackles about superheroes. Man on distinctive costume will suddenly come out when a disaster or an accident happen. Those supernatural beings that possessed super powers are often the content of our minds during childhood years and even during adolescence. We even act like them; portraying their image, imitating their costumes and etc. With these we forget for awhile our problems, the problem of the society and etc. We sometimes wish that they exist. Even as how many times we wish or believe they’re real, we still cannot deny the fact that they were only created to entertain us. They were only created by writers to play on our minds. But even though they were created for that purpose, they still play a great r ole in molding our minds and beings. We cannot deny that we can get lessons from those superheroes that we admire. Superheroes do not have even bad habits; thus they play a great role in the area of character building. As I watch the stars at night I always think of creating my own superhero character. Its image would have the taste of a typical Chinese character or Japanese perhaps. It would have a height of no more than an ordinary man; a height of five feet and seven inches maybe. With it he cannot be feared by the people or the young ones. Its skin would be as that of a cut tree trunk. If you combine the color brown and the white, it will give a somewhat flesh color; and that’s the color of the character. Its eyes would be as tame as a lamb where you cannot see or predict his capability of killing; eyes that is as clear as the sky. Its hair would cover half of its face such that when a wind blows it will only move like stalks of the rice. Superheroes are known for their distinctive costumes. Many of them are remembered due to their appearances. Like Spiderman, he is known for his â€Å"spider-like† costume. For my superhero character, what I have in mind is to fit his costume with the image that he has. It would have a dress of white color. It is not totally fit to his body so that it will just swing together with the wind. If you look at the costume of the main character of the Japanese aneme Samurai X it will be like that but will differ only in color and the textile to be used. I would prefer to have him a costume that is somewhat half transparent. Also it the costume would reach his feet, I mean it will be such like a whole dress. Near the button of its dress would have a line colored red. It will serve as an indicator that despite of his purity, he is still capable of killing (but of course those who are enemy of the society only). On the issue of its character, he will be as good as the other superheroes. He will help the people when trouble comes. He will appear but people will not know where he comes from. He will only be seen when trouble comes. He will not often talk. When people admire or say thank you for his help, he will just give back a smile saying you’re welcome. I want it that way so that people will wonder and question his existence. It may be like the other superheroes but I like that type of character. I always want to have that kind of stuff in me. Since I was a child I want to be that kind of character. Well anyway, it may sound strange but that makes my superhero unique. This character that I’ve created has of course a job like an ordinary man. He is a teacher in high school. He will be often recognized for his excellence in teaching and in molding the character of the children or the students. Students who possess bad character would be tamed when he talk. He is humble and a do wn-to-earth teacher. He still will not talk often but only does when it’s necessary and when his words are important. With that character many will love him but he will have no close friends. He is often alone together with his laptop. With that many parents will admire his attitude and his talent in music. He can play any instrument and when he plays, everybody will stop from working just to listen to the melody of his pieces. Like other superheroes he will fall in love with a woman who sells flowers on a street near the school. The girl’s beauty would capture the heart of every man but it will not be recognized due to the nature of   the job she has and due to the dirt that cover her face during works. A man who only has good intention will love her. That’s why I like her to be the partner of my character. Of course, the woman did not know the feelings of the superhero character. They will be as good as friends. In fact this is the only friend that the character has. They will be seen on street before the teacher goes home. The girl will love him too but secretly. In other words they will have the same feelings but nobody will dare to tell it and they will keep on hiding it as much as possible. On the other hand, his super power will be beyond limits. Due to his talent in playing instruments his super power will come out when he play his flute. It is not like any other flute. It will have a hole of five and is made of bamboo. Its melody will be the greatest melody you’ll ever hear. When he will play that flute a wind will cover his whole body. It will be like a whirlwind surrounding him when he does it. It will make his hair and his costume glaze on the touches that the wind do. Another power that he possesses is the blue flame he is able to produce. He can produce it whenever he wants it. When the blue flame and the power of the flute will combined, a supernatural power will occur. The flame will serve as a whirlwind that will burn every bandit he wants. Despite of his super powers his humility will still be seen. A tame lamb can still be acknowledged but his identity will be a mystery for the people. He is also capable of fighting using bear hands. He’s spee d will not be predicted because of the soft character that he has. He has also a strength that nobody has. Young people will admire him due to his capabilities and his character. He will be the headlines of every newspaper. His existence will be a mystery because of some factors. He will live in an isolated place. His house will be that of an average professional. He will live alone. Outside his house grew a big tree such that its branches will shade the whole house. Birds will perch on the tree. They will build their nests. No pets will live with the character except the wild birds that he fed every morning. Near its house is a stream that will serve as a water source for him and the birds. His electric supply comes from a turbine on the stream. In other words he utilizes the water source to convert it into an electrical energy. He will have no appliances and gadgets except for his laptop that will be used for his profession. The society that we have right now is somewhat the society that we never dreamed of; killings, terrorism activities, explosions, political problems and etc. are commonly seen on television news. The superhero that I’ve created will solve some of the problems. He will fight against terrorists. He will help the people when calamities occur. Because he is a high school professor he can help in cultivating young minds and teaching them the right attitude and perspective. He will be against drug addiction and will help the government in solving those problems. One thing I think why I choose him to be a teacher because I believe that those people who are involve in criminal activities (this includes corruption and other crime) are the ones who lack the guidance of the adults. We cannot deny that many factors affects the minds of the children but that kind of attitude that my superhero has will be a great in achieving the desired character that we want for our children. If we think for the existence of our superheroes we can claim that the problems will be eradicated. It’s nice to know and imagine the life and the society that we have if they exist and it is even more exciting if we are one of them. As what I’ve mentioned above, they are part of our lives. Superheroes may not exist in reality but they exist in our hearts. Work cited: Superhero (2007). Retrieve on April 13, 2007 from

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