Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider Essay

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider in United Kingdom) - Essay Example This commercial sub-brand of the Telefonica UK Limited till date has attained a total customer size of about 23 million. Adding to that, as per the ranking of Ofcom, which is an UK based industry, involved in the regulation and competitiveness measuring of various telecommunication industries, O2 has attained the highest ranking in context to customer satisfaction levels. This commercial sub-brand provides 2G, 3G and 4G network services all across UK. Apart from these, O2 also provides Wi-Fi services. It also owns nearly half of the shares of the Tesco Mobile Limited which is another network operator operating within the UK markets (Telefonica UK Limited, 2014). The main focus objective of this discussion is to effectively evaluate this commercial sub-brand (O2) and provides answers to the following provided questions which have been described in the discussion part of the report. Subsequently, conclusion and recommendation will also be provided accordingly in the later parts of this essay. As can be predicted, the main process for a telecommunication company is all about providing high quality communication and online data services to its customers. However apart from just the service provision activities, other services such as effective customer complaint handling, identification of the needs of the customers and fulfilling them accordingly and effective handling of all the organizational processes also falls under the process part of the extended marketing mix (O2online, 2009). The same goes for this UK based Telecommunication Company (Continuum Learning Pte Ltd, 2010). Moreover, as can be understood from this company’s insights that it provides utmost importance towards delivering high quality of communication service to its customers. Adding to that, the company also believes in context to establishing long term relationships with its customers through bringing about improvisation within their customer

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