Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Helen of Troy in the Iliad of Homer

Helen of Troy in the Iliad of Homer The Iliad describes the conflicts between Achilles and his leader, Agamemnon, and between Greeks and Trojans, following the abduction of Agamemnons sister-in-law, Helen of Sparta (aka Helen of Troy), by the Trojan prince Paris. Helens precise role in the abduction is unknown  since  the event is a matter of legend rather than historical fact and has been variously interpreted in literature. In Helen in the Iliad: Causa Belli and Victim of War: From Silent Weaver to Public Speaker, Hanna M. Roisman looks at the limited details that show Helens perception of events, people, and her own guilt. The following is my understanding of the details Roisman provides. Helen of Troy appears only 6 times in the Iliad, four of which are in the third book, one appearance in Book VI, and a final appearance in the last (24th) book. The first and last appearances are specified in the title of Roismans article. Helen has mixed feelings because she feels some complicity in her own abduction and realizes how much death and suffering has been the result. That her Trojan husband is not terribly manly compared with his brother or her first husband only increases her feelings of regret. However, it is not clear that Helen had any choice. She is, after all, a possession, one of many ​Paris stole from Argos, although the only one he is unwilling to return (7.362-64). Helens fault lies in her beauty rather than in her acts, according to the old men at the Scaean Gate (3.158). Helen's First Appearance Helens first appearance is when the goddess Iris [See Hermes for information on the status of Iris in the Iliad], disguised as a sister-in-law, comes to summon Helen from her weaving. Weaving is a typically wifely occupation, but the subject Helen is weaving is unusual  since she is depicting the suffering of the Trojan War heroes. Roisman argues this shows Helens willingness to take responsibility for precipitating the deadly course of events. Iris, who summons Helen to witness a duel between her two husbands to decide with whom she will live, inspires Helen with a longing for her original husband, Menelaus. Helen does not appear to see behind the disguise to the goddess and goes compliantly, without uttering a word. Then Iris came as messenger to white-armed Helen,taking on the image of her sister-in-law,wife of Antenors son, fine Helicaon.Her name was Laodice, of all Priams daughtersthe most beautiful. She found Helen in her room,weaving a large cloth, a double purple cloak,creating pictures of the many battle scenesbetween horse-taming Trojans and bronze-clad Achaeans,wars they suffered for her sake at the hands of Ares.Standing near by, swift-footed Iris said:Come here, dear girl.Look at the amazing things going on.Horse-taming Trojans and bronze-clad Achaeans,men who earlier were fighting one anotherin wretched war out there on the plain,both keen for wars destruction, are sitting still.Alexander and war-loving Menelausare going to fight for you with their long spears.The man who triumphs will call you his dear wife.With these words the goddess set in Helens heartsweet longing for her former husband, city, parents. Covering herself with a white shawl, she left the house, shedding tears. Helen's Second Appearance Helens second appearance in the Iliad is with the old men at the Scaean Gate. Here Helen actually speaks, but only in response to Trojan King Priams addressing her. Although the war has been waged for 9 years and the leaders are presumably well known, Priam asks Helen to identify men who turn out to be Agamemnon, Odysseus, and Ajax. Roisman believes this was a conversational gambit rather than a reflection of Priams ignorance. Helen responds politely and with flattery, addressing Priam as Dear father-in-law, you arouse in me both respect and awe, 3.172. She then adds that she regrets ever having left her homeland and daughter, and, continuing the theme of her responsibility, she is sorry that she has caused the death of those slain in war. She says she wishes she had not followed Priams son, thereby deflecting some of the blame from herself, and possibly laying it at Priams feet as guilty by virtue of having helped create such a son. They soon reached the Scaean Gates.Oucalegaon and Antenor, both prudent men,elder statesmen, sat at the Scaean Gates, 160with Priam and his entourage- Panthous, Thymoetes,Lampus, Clytius, and warlike Hicataeon. Old men now,their fighting days were finished, but they all spoke well.They sat there, on the tower, these Trojan elders,like cicadas perched up on a forest branch, chirpingtheir soft, delicate sounds. Seeing Helen approach the tower,they commented softly to each other- their words had wings:Theres nothing shameful about the factthat Trojans and well-armed Achaeanshave endured great suffering a long time 170over such a woman- just like a goddess,immortal, awe-inspiring. Shes beautiful.But nonetheless let her go back with the ships.Let her not stay here, a blight on us, our children.So they talked. Priam then called out to Helen.Come here, dear child. Sit down in front of me,so you can see your first husband, your friends,your relatives. As far as Im concerned,you bear no blame . For I blame the gods.They drove me to wage this wretched war 180against Achaeans. Tell me, whos that large man,over there, that impressive, strong Achaean?Others may be taller by a head than him,but Ive never seen with my own eyessuch a striking man, so noble, so like a king.Then Helen, goddess among women, said to Priam:My dear father-in-law, whom I respect and honour,how I wish Id chosen evil deathwhen I came here with your son, leaving behindmy married home, companions, darling child, 190and friends my age. But things didnt work that way.So I weep all the time. But to answer you,that man is wide-ruling Agamemnon,son of Atreus, a good king, fine fighter,and once he was my brother-in-law,if that life was ever real. Im such a whore.Priam gazed in wonder at Agamemnon, saying:Son of Atreus, blessed by the gods, fortunes child,divinely favoured, many long-haired Achaeansserve under you. Once I went to Phrygia, 200that vine-rich land, where I saw Phrygian troopswith all their horses, th ousands of them,soldiers of Otreus, godlike Mygdon,camped by the banks of the Sangarius river. I was their ally, part of their army,the day the Amazons, mens peers in war,came on against them. But those forces thenwere fewer than these bright-eyed Achaeans.The old man then spied Odysseus and asked:Dear child, come tell me who this man is, 210shorter by a head than Agamemnon,son of Atreus. But he looks broaderin his shoulders and his chest. His armours stackedthere on the fertile earth, but he strides on,marching through mens ranks just like a rammoving through large white multitudes of sheep.Yes, a woolly ram, thats what he seems to me.Helen, child of Zeus, then answered Priam:That man is Laertes son, crafty Odysseus,raised in rocky Ithaca. Hes well versed 220in all sorts of tricks, deceptive strategies.At that point, wise Antenor said to Helen:Lady, what you say is true. Once lord Odysseuscame here with war-loving Menelaus,as an ambassador in your affairs.I received them both in my residenceand entertained them. I got to know them- from their appearance and their wise advice. Speech continues... Helen's Third Appearance Helens third appearance in the Iliad is with Aphrodite, whom Helen takes to task. Aphrodite is in disguise, as Iris had been, but Helen sees straight through it. Aphrodite, representing blind lust, appears before Helen to summon her to Paris bed at the conclusion of the duel between Menelaus and Paris, which had ended with the survival of both men. Helen is aggravated with Aphrodite and her approach to life. Helen insinuates that Aphrodite would really like Paris for herself. Helen then makes a peculiar comment, that going to Paris bedchamber will arouse snide comments among the women of the city. This is odd because Helen has been living as Paris wife for nine years. Roisman says this shows that Helen is now longing for social acceptance among the Trojans. Goddess, why do you wish to deceive me so?Are you going to take me still further off, [400]to some well populated city somewherein Phrygia or beautiful Maeonia,because youre in love with some mortal manand Menelaus has just beaten Parisand wants to take me, a despised woman, 450back home with him? Is that why youre here,you and your devious trickery?Why dont you go with Paris by yourself,stop walking around here like a goddess,stop directing your feet toward Olympus,and lead a miserable life with him,caring for him, until he makes you his wife [410]or slave. I wont go to him in there - that would be shameful, serving him in bed.Every Trojan woman would revile me afterwards. 460Besides, my heart is hurt enough already. (Book III) Helen has no real choice in whether or not to go to Paris room. She will go, but since she is concerned with what the others think, she covers herself up so as not to be recognized as she goes to Paris bedchamber. Helen's Fourth Appearance The fourth appearance of Helen is with Paris, to whom she is hostile and insulting. If ever she wanted to be with Paris, maturity and the effects of the war have tempered her passion. Paris does not appear to care very much that Helen insults him. Helen is his possession. Youve come back from the fight. How I wish 480youd died there, killed by that strong warriorwho was my husband once. You used to boastyou were stronger than warlike Menelaus, [430]more strength in your hands, more power in your spear.So go now, challenge war-loving Menelausto fight again in single combat.Id suggest you stay away. Dont fight it outman to man with red-haired Menelaus,without further thought. You might well die,come to a quick end on his spear. 490Replying to Helen, Paris said:Wife,dont mock my courage with your insults.Yes, Menelaus has just defeated me,but with Athenas help. Next time Ill beat him. [440]For we have gods on our side, too. But come,lets enjoy our love together on the bed.Never has desire so filled my mind as now,not even when I first took you awayfrom lovely Lacedaemon, sailing offin our sea-worthy ships, or when I lay with you 500in our lovers bed on the isle of Cranae.Thats how sweet passion has seized hold of me,how much I want you now. (Book III) Helen's Fifth Appearance The fifth appearance of Helen is in Book IV. Helen and Hector talk in Paris house, where Helen manages the household just like the other Trojan women. In her encounter with Hector, Helen is self-deprecating, calling herself a dog, evil-contriving and abhorred. She says she wishes she had a better husband, implying she wishes she had a husband more like Hector. It sounds as though Helen may be flirting, but in the previous two encounters Helen has shown that lust no longer motivates her, and the praise makes sense without such an insinuation of coquettishness. Hector, you are my brother,and Im a horrible, conniving bitch.I wish that on that day my mother bore mesome evil wind had come, carried me away,and swept me off, up into the mountains,or into waves of the tumbling, crashing sea, 430then I would have died before this happened.But since gods have ordained these evil things,I wish Id been wife to a better man, [350]someone sensitive to others insults,with feeling for his many shameful acts.This husband of mine has no sense now,and he wont acquire any in the future.I expect hell get from that what he deserves.But come in, sit on this chair, my brother,since this trouble really weighs upon your mind- 440all because I was a bitch- because of thatand Paris folly, Zeus gives us an evil fate,so we may be subjects for mens songsin generations yet to come. (Book VI) Helen's Sixth Appearance Helens final appearance in the Iliad is in Book 24, at Hectors funeral, where she is distinct from the other mourning women, Andromache, Hectors wife, and Hecuba, his mother, in two ways. (1) Helen praises Hector as a family man where they concentrate on his military prowess. (2) Unlike the other Trojan women, Helen will not be taken as a slave. She will be reunited with Menelaus as his wife. This scene is the first and last time she is included with other Trojan women in a public event. She has achieved a measure of acceptance just as the society to which she aspired is about to be destroyed. As she spoke, Hecuba wept. She stirred them on [760]to endless lamentation. Helen was the thirdto lead those women in their wailing:Hector- of all my husbands brothers,youre by far the dearest to my heart.My husbands godlike Alexander, 940who brought me here to Troy. I wish Id diedbefore that happened! This is the twentieth yearsince I went away and left my native land,but Ive never heard a nasty word from youor an abusive speech. In fact, if anyoneever spoke rudely to me in the house- one of your brothers or sisters, some brotherswell-dressed wife, or your mother- for your father [770]always was so kind, as if he were my own- youd speak out, persuading them to stop, 950using your gentleness, your soothing words.Now I weep for you and for my wretched self,so sick at heart, for theres no one elsein spacious Troy whos kind to me and friendly.They all look at me and shudder with disgust.Helen spoke in tears. The huge crowd joined in their lament. (Book XXIV) Roisman says the changes in the behavior of Helen do not reflect personal growth, but the graduated unveiling of her personality in all its richness. Source: Helen in the Iliad; Causa Belli and Victim of War: From Silent Weaver to Public Speaker, AJPh 127 (2006) 1-36, Hanna M. Roisman.

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