Tuesday, January 21, 2020

HYPNOSIS :: essays research papers

METHODOLOGY †¢ CASE STUDY RESEARCHES  INTERVIEWS  QUESTIONNAIRES What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a specific and unusual form of verbal control that apparently enables one person to control another person’s behavior, thoughts and perceptions. Examples of hypnosis: Under hypnosis, a person can be induced to bark like a dog, act like a baby, or tolerate pierced with needles. Importance of Hypnosis Hypnosis is important to psychology because it provides insights about the nature of consciousness and has applications in the fields of medicine and psychotherapy. Uses of Hypnosis Hypnosis can play a useful role in medicine, dentistry and psychotherapy. Thus, it can be used to suppress the pain of the childbirth or of having one’s teeth drilled. It is also useful in reducing the nausea caused by the drugs used in chemotherapy for cancer. Hypnosis can also be used to help people break a bad habit such as smoking. Finally, hypnosis is often used in psychotherapy to help patients discuss painful memories whose inaccessibility is impeding progress. Reasons for Hypnosis, not being used in every day life: Not all can be hypnotized The induction of hypnosis takes some time Habits reside largely in the subconscious. Willpower alone can't reach the subconscious. Hypnosis can HOW HYPNOSIS WORKS TO HELP PEOPLE QUIT SMOKING? Hypnosis can be an astonishingly powerful tool for shifting a person into becoming a nonsmoker. For some people, the results are miraculous. They emerge from their hypnosis session permanently convinced in body, mind and emotions that they will never light up a cigarette again. There is, however, a catch: the person must be fully willing to become a nonsmoker. Sometimes a prospective hypnosis client believes that the hypnotist can get him/her to quit smoking. That is not the truth. No one can help you quit something but yourself. But...if you've already made the decision to quit, what hypnosis can do is reinforce that choice, and make it much easier and more comfortable for you. DOES BEING HYPNOTIZED FEEL WEIRD? No. Most people experience hypnosis as a pleasant and normal sensation of deep relaxation. In fact, all of us go in and out of light hypnotic states every day. An example of this is daydreaming. WILL I FORGET EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS DURING MY SESSION? Although it's possible to relax so deeply that one doesn't remember her or his hypnosis session, most people remain fully aware of all that occurs. If this is a concern for you, ask your hypnotist to suggest to you that you will remember everything that has happened--and you will.

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